Replays have unfortunately not been released yet. According JP they will be released sometime before MLG DC. So be patient. More patient that you already have been. On the bright side, you get to see of the matches that were never streamed at Raleigh.
NEW MLG RALEIGH VODs - Released today
iNcontroL vs. Machine
+ Show Spoiler +
iNcontroL vs. Tyler
+ Show Spoiler +
CatZ vs. Machine
+ Show Spoiler +
KiWiKaKi vs. SjoW
+ Show Spoiler +
SelecT vs. SjoW
+ Show Spoiler +
PainUser vs. LastShadow
+ Show Spoiler +
KiWiKaKi vs. Nadagast
+ Show Spoiler +
Old MLG Raleigh VODs
WB Finals - HuK vs. KiWiKaKi
Grand Finals - HuK vs. KiWiKaKi
LB Finals - KiWiKaKi vs. Socke
LB8 - CauthonLuck vs. Socke
LB6 - TTOne vs. Slush
WB5 - HuK vs. CauthonLuck
WB4 - LastShadow vs. Slush
WB4 - HuK vs. QXC
WB1 - Nony vs. J3TTY
WB1 - ItsParamedico vs. Silver
WB1 - Damaddar vs. Nadagast
WB1 - SelecT vs. UNC-oRe.saMa
MLG DC is close to a week from today. The list of players has been announced and includes most of Raleigh's top16 along with many other top players.
MLG related links
Official MLG Website
Official MLG DC Player List
MLG Dallas Passes on sale!
MLG DC TL community thread
Source: moog1e twitter